Here, you’ll find a collection of materials developed during the creation of this website, which may be useful for research or personal interest.
Download the CSV files used to create maps on ArcGIS Online: Download ZIP file of CSV files for ArcGIS Online
Not all place names have been located; this spreadsheet lists the places that remain to be identified: Spreadsheet of Unfound Place Names
This document outlines the items and properties that have been uploaded to Wikidata: Items Added to Wikidata Document
Explore the query used to map the residences of accused witches: Query for Accused Witches Residence Map
Scotland's Accused Witches Project page on wikidata. This includes a list and descriptions of each property, query examples, and documentation of our quality assurance process: WikiProject Scotland's Accused Witches
The GitHub repository of this website can be cloned and then run locally on your device. If you would like to contribute to this site, we welcome any pull requests and will endeavour to review them as soon as possible.